Thursday, December 27, 2007

YouTube Cycling Vids

My wife is an active member of the YouTube community. While I tend to stay on the sidelines during the creative process, I am involved as 'designated video watcher'. In fact, I've, make that enjoyed...many hours as a YouTube watcher.

It's amazing how often I ask "hmm, I wonder if someone has posted a video about this?" More often that not, I find that someone has. I've searched for videos about trade shows, mountain bike race courses, MTV videos from 1987...and struck gold every time. In fact, the gold strikes have been so frequent that I've started to create YouTube Playlists. Here's a link to a series of YouTube videos with the common theme 'cycling'.

I'm sure there will be many more links to videos in the future as this media format has exploded during the past two years. The video landscape at is so vast that I expect to end up with several cycling video playlists.